2. Any violation of the human rights or dignity of women and minority groups is justifiable because there have always been inequities in human history.
Hey Dems…we ran Sarah Palin…what have you done for women lately?
3. Paying taxes is a violation of our rights, but government must provide a strong military, quality infrastructure (hospitals, transportation system, education) and figure out how to pay for it.
4. The ends always justifies the means (We stole that from a 15th century Guido).
5. Every Christian is saved as long as he accepts Christ as their savior. But, there is no requirement to follow Christ’s message of reaching out to the wretched, poor and marginalized. (That must be the OTHER Christ).
6. We do not believe in Big Brother – except that we will legislate who you have sex with, how you will have it, who you can marry, and if you can have children. You must not have sex before marriage at any cost.
7. We believe in Life, except for those who have committed a heinous crime or are killed from an air bomber 10,000 feet in the air.
8. We are a country of immigrants, but now that we’re in – we don’t need anymore.
9. We support our troops, but don’t want to pay them well, and cut their benefits once they are home. We put them in decrepit and rodent infested medical facilities. We call that honoring them.
10. We love our country and our fellow Americans – the real Americans – white anglo saxon protestant…you know like Sarah Palin.
11. Evolution is impossible…it is the work of Satan, liberal academics and
teachers unions.
12. Sexual abuse of children is just another crazy Democratic conspiracy theory. We do, however, think it’s fun to read about on the innernets, sometimes we do naughty things to ourselves just thinking about it…ooh!
13. White people are victims of genocide.
14. Obama is a Muslim and a Communist, who cares if those are usually mutually exclusive. We’re Republicans and we say so, so it is so.
15. Women are to be seen and not heard.
16. Violence is completely acceptable when we say it is.
17. We were silent about Bush’s deficits, but now that the Bonobo is in office, it’s a big problem.
18. Health care is not a human right. We will, however, build hundreds of clinics for Iraqis. We just like them better than lazy LIBs.
19. Let’s get out of Afghanistan. We don’t understand why Bonobo has our troops in the Middle East, it’s just unprecedented.
20. Last but not least; our new and improved political strategy: NO!