Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just what is a Teabagger anyway?

Dumb as a teabagger

You're talking out of your teahole

Teabag Syndrome - a form of mental retardation characterized by lack of higher mental functions, compulsion to make signs and misspell almost everything on them, being easily agitated, and acting against one's own self-interests.

T-Bag - white supremacist rapper


You know you are a teabagger if ...

-Your dog rides in your truck, but your wife stays home and mixes ammonium nitrate.

-You can remember the fertilizer, pellets and ammonium nitrate mixture ratios, but cannot recall your wife's birthday.

-You have stolen gravel from the county road to cover your AK -47 ground stash.

-You shout down someone who is talking, because you believe they are trying to limit your freedom of speech.

-You've used the same knife to whittle a shiv, and threaten your Congressman.

-You have been asked to leave a yard sale.

-You put the beatdown on your tattoo artist for spelling "MOM" backwards.

-You hate government health care, and don't want them to touch your Medicare.

-The Rush Limbaugh show ends and you cry like John Boehner.

Why did the teabagger fail his humanities test? ... Because he took it.

Why did the teabagger cross the road? ... Because Fox News told them to.

How many teabaggers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
36. One to screw in the lightbulb, and 35 to protest the Obama Administration's policy on creating darkness.

A man walked into a bar and asked the bartender, "Hey, have you heard the latest Teabagger joke?" The bartender replied, coldly, "No. And I'll have you know I'm a Teabagger ." That's O. K.," said the man, "I'll talk slow."

The Teabaggers were getting really pissed off about people telling all these Teabagger jokes so they decided to stage a march on Washington . . . When last heard from they were 10 miles out of Seattle.

-It takes a carload of teabaggers to make up an IQ of 100 and a mouthful of teeth.

A poem ....

If the President's a Democrat
Then protesting is fine
We have the right to wave our signs
And bitch and moan and whine
But if the President's Republican
Then no protest there shall be
No, you only ever protest if the President's a (D)
And when we take our country back
And Liberals start to shout
Just call them Un-American
Say "love it or get out!"
But keep those placards handy
'cause the left might win again
And if they're swearing in a Democrat
Then protests should begin
And if they think that's hypocritical
Then this is what you say
"It's only good to protest when WE don't get our way."
And if they press the issue
And get all east coast logical
Just tell them that "they hate the troops!"
And say they're full of bull
So we must take our country back
Make our protest loud and large
'cause God will only bless America
With a Republican in charge

(borrowed these from one of my lib friends)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Old friends and Facebook

Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.
  ~C.S. Lewis

 It was December 1974 when I last saw any of my comrades from the 92nd Cadet Squadron AFJROTC at Clovis High School, Clovis, California.  We were a very tight knit group, you see the war in Vietnam had not been over all that long and the military or anything associated with it was shall I say, less then popular.  We were a group that clung to American ideals of freedom and understood maintaining that freedom comes with a price.  It was those common beliefs that bound us together not just as a unit but as friends.

They are friends I have never forgotten and have thought of often.  They are the people I have always considered my true friends from high school and to this day there is not one among them I would gladly take a bullet for.  Well there is one I would not take one for but he's in year 20 of a 60 plus year sentence in the California penal system but that is a piece for another time.

My point is that no matter what was going on in my world whenever I saw a military aircraft fly by I would wonder if I maybe knew the pilot or someone on the ground that kept it flying.  At times during my street days my mind would wander at night and I would ponder on what ever happened to so and so and what is s/he doing now, their faces and names still etched in my mind.

Now most of the time, to be honest, I find Facebook to be more of a pain in the ass then its worth.  Always getting invitations to play silly app games I have no interest in it tends to make me some what nuts.  A couple of days ago though Facebook proved its worth to me when I get an email about a friend invitation.  I open it and low and behold its from someone I was in AFJROTC with at Clovis.  We spend a little time catching up, I mean come on how do you really catch up with someone after 36 years?  As we end the conversation she tells me there are quite a few former squadron members there.  When I look at her friends list the gap from 1974 to 2010 closes like the Red Sea on the Egyptians.  I felt like I was reading the who's who all the while clicking "Add as friend" and praying that they remembered who I was.

This May there will be a multi class reunion I don't care how I have to get there, hitchhike, mule or crawl I intend to be there to renew old friendships I thought were gone forever.  These are friends that have given me new value to my survival for the last 36 years.

Friends to the End: The True Value of Friendship  The Friendship Factor: How to Get Closer to the People You Care for

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Clean up the initiative process in Washington state

The integrity of our initiative process is ranked as one of the worst in the country for its lack of standards, transparency, accountability, oversight, and enforcement.1 Tim Eyman has turned Washington's initiative process into a bad joke. Paid signature gatherers can defraud the system with virtually no fear of prosecution.

The Legislature is considering simple, common-sense reforms that would help clean up the process, like requiring paid signature gatherers to register with the state's Public Disclosure Commission and sign the backs of petitions. But Tim Eyman is collecting petitions against the reforms, testifying against them in Olympia, and gathering signatures for his latest anti-tax initiative.2

Help us make sure Eyman doesn't win again. We need to protect the integrity of the initiative process and ensure that our legislators stand up for reform. Please sign our petition urging legislators in Olympia to pass important ballot reform measures, and recruit your friends as well. Click on the link to sign the petition: