Sunday, October 16, 2011

It Has Been A Long Time Coming

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Mohandas Gandhi

As far back as 1990 I saw this up welling coming and to anyone that would listen I spoke my prophecy that one day there will be an uprising of the people where the poor and middle class will stand together side by side and tell the Wall Street fat cats and their ilk, "no more!".

It has been coming it fits and starts but at long last it has arrived.  A revolution that had its first shots fired in New York with Occupy Wall Street some 28 days ago.  Thanks to social networking and media in that short span it has gone globally viral.  I wonder just how much more successful the Seattle WTO protests in 1999 had we had that technology available?

Last night however I watched live peaceful protests in Seattle (a place I will always hold dear in my heart) and Minneapolis.  Then I watched in amazement as peaceful protesters were arrested in Chicago (it is my understanding there were over 100 there) and in Sacramento where 19 were arrested including a man named Russell with cerebral palsy that is in a wheelchair.  I have watched video and seen pictures of actions by police that have appalled me.

This blog entry however is not about arrests or brutality.

It is about the 99% of us that are sick and tired of living from paycheck to paycheck.  It's about working for companies that could careless about us as we toil away 60, 70, 80 hours a week at 2 or 3 jobs just to make ends meet.  It is about the disabled and senior citizens who have payed in to a system that corrupt bought and payed for politicians want to deny us by reducing Medicare and cutting benefits.  It is about and evaporating middle class and a gap between rich and poor that has become a chasm.  It is about the snatching of the American Dream we were all promised.

They called it a recession but from where I sat with the homes that were foreclosed on and the jobs that were disappearing because they were shipped offshore taking unemployment to levels not seen since the 1930's, it smacked of a depression.  A depression that the right wing likes to blame on President Obama but started with George Bush.  As I recall when the banks were bailed out he was the one on watch.

Wall Street and Congress I have some advice for you.  The days of let them eat cake have passed you may want to listen to what is being said on the streets of not just America but the entire world.  After the Battle of the Little Big Horn Sioux women punctured  the ears of Colonel Custer with awls so that he could hear better in the next life.  Don't let that happen to you.

A little rebellion now and a medicine necessary for the sound health of government.
Thomas Jefferson

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