Sunday, November 23, 2014

Democracy Suspended in the U.S. House

Something just happened on the House Floor that you should know about. Very late last night House Republicans quietly changed the standing rules of the House so that only the Majority Leader or his designee could bring up the bill in question for a vote. Sound familiar? The same tactic was used by the same people last October to shut down the government and keep it shut down. In other words, democracy has once again been suspended in the House of Representatives. SHARE this video if you're sick of the sneaky, dead-of-night rule changes that have helped define this Republican Congress as the most-closed, least-transparent Congress on record.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The good old boys network is alive and well

Is it any wonder someone recently joked that when the CENTRA board announced they will be seeking a new general manager "will a criminal record be a requierment?"

A Clarksburg city councilman and the Mayor of Bridgeport are only what I believe are the tips of the iceberg of nepotism and corruption that runs deep in Harrison County, West Virginia.

A Pillar Crumbles